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Urban Water Management

The District serves as a catalyst to work with landowners, government agencies, and other entities to resolve drainage, flooding, and stream bank erosion issues. We work cooperatively with New Castle County, the Delaware Department of Transportation, and legislators to investigate and resolve complaints or concerns in a timely manner.

Some of the types of water management projects include:

  • Resolving backyard drainage problems using swales, subsurface drains, and pipes and catch basins.

  • Streambank erosion repair using riprap or other advanced stream restoration technology using a combination of techniques called green engineering.

  • Assisting New Castle County and community maintenance associations with stormwater basin/pond maintenance and community open space tree plantings.

  • Cooperative road drainage projects with DelDOT.

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Financial and technical assistance is available for a wide variety of urban conservation projects in the categories of erosion control, water management, and storm water basin assistance.  Cost-share rates are up to 75% 

reimbursement depending on the conservation practice and category as approved by the District Board of Supervisors and fund availability. A complete listing of conservation practices and cost-share rates can be found on our Cost-Share Program page. 


Sediment and Stormwater 

Under a delegation agreement with DNREC-Division of Soil and Water Conservation, the District provides Sediment and Stormwater Programs services to ten (10) incorporated communities of New Castle County.

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Technical Assistance

We provide technical assistance through field survey and site investigation services. These services are offered free of charge to landowners in New Castle County. Make sure to check out our FAQ before calling our office's main line at (302) 365-8970

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Technical Resources

Technical resources are available in the office. These include various reference materials such as historic aerial photographs, topographic maps, water table maps, soil survey information, etc. There is a $50 fee per visit to review and copy requested documents.


Most of this information is also available online: 


Soil Surveys


Explore New Castle County

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2430 Old County Road Newark Delaware 19702

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Phone: (302) 365-8970

Fax: (302) 832-5060


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